
Showing posts from January, 2018

January, the Last

Be My Valentine. I decorated the front door. No, I'm not letting the shark thing go. In other news, I've been out and about wearing fab clothes to do my damnedest getting through January. Did the month seem extra long to you? I have a few of these 70's appliqued and embroidered sweaters by Cyn-Les. They're fun, if a bit too youthful for me but eh, whatever. Here's the other giraffe sweater I last wore on blog in 2014  Cheeky giraffe! Anyway, they're fun sweaters except for the one my parents bought me as a kid that said, "Hug Me." I didn't hang on to that Cyn-Les sweater. Outfit Particulars: 70's Cyn-Les sweater-Hand-Me-Ups Gap shorts-90's (has a matching jacket) Tights-K Mart Boots-Goodwill Vintage 60's coat-Thrift World Handbag-Hand-Me-Ups Beret-K Mart Fragrance-Ma Griffe This is a necklace I never would have bought before I knew  Veronica . She wears the most wonderful necklaces, and has inspired me to try all sorts of things like ot

Brooches and Sharks (That's What I Like)

These three sparklers came from Hand-Me-Ups on the same visit. At $4.99, $3.99 and $2.99 I couldn't think of leaving them. The black brooch is unmarked, the pink one is Weiss, and the basket is Gerry's. Obviously, I don't need more brooches, but it was nice to find a Weiss for my collection-I'm not sure I had one. I like brooches. Know what else I like? That's right, Sharks. Did you know we had prehistoric sharks in Nebraska? Did you know my kid still can't manage to tuck his shirt in? Both, absolutely true! Sharks! I hear the president is terrified of sharks. Me? Oh I adore them. This fellow is Sharky (Danny's creativity with naming toys needs some work). I made him for Danny when he was about three from some acetate lining I had in my stash. He was a fearsome shark back then, but he's since lost an eye and most of his teeth. He prefers soft swimmers  food these days. I've offered to operate on Sharky to restore his lost parts but everyone agrees he

Great Chieftain O' the Puddin Race

A  veggie haggis for your Burns Supper on 25 January. Serve with plenty of whisky. Clapshot and Clootie dumpling optional. I've used this recipe for years (no idea where I found it originally) and have made it successfully by omitting the nuts. If you have them, crushed pretzels make a good substitute for nuts in savoury recipes, but if not you can simply leave the nuts out. If you have leftovers, it ain't half bad sliced and fried in butter (or a substitute) the next day. I'm told it can be battered and deep fried, but I haven't personally tried that (nor do I intend to). I've had something viral coming in for a few days now, and it finally hit this morning. I suspect I will be sitting out most of the festivities tomorrow (or staying in bed to drink whisky for the er...medicinal value) but this recipe is so easy even Danny can make it. Strangely, the only thing I've felt like eating are Good & Plenty liqourice which are similar to the oblong shaped pieces i

Snow Day

The Chicagoan in me thinks it is absurd to call off school for three inches of snow, but I am happy to say it is heavy, wet, snow which means snowman building. Lately our snow has been so dry it can't be packed into a ball-no such problem with this stuff! It was like slush falling from the sky. It will be dangerous when it freezes overnight, but for now it is providing the local children with some fun. I've been watching cars attempt to struggle up our hill before giving up and bailing out down the side-street in the photo. That's not a road to try without a truck when it snows! The city ploughs have been out, but there's only so much they can do. Friday, I took Danny to the Automobile Show. We went early in the day, and it was largely empty. He was able to sit in, and try out a number of sports cars. It was fun. I've been taking him to the show every January since he was about three to break-up the long, dull winter days after Christmas. There's the home and ga

National Squirrel Appreciation Day

 Tomorrow is National Squirrel Appreciation Day. If you have a gingerbread house left from Christmas I can tell you from experience squirrels enjoy using it to sharpen their teeth. There was a planned, "Journaling in Nature" programme about squirrels scheduled at DeSoto Wildlife Refuge but now with the government shutdown, it isn't clear if it is still on or not. If you're planning to go, I'd call first in the morning. I feel terrible for the people who are going to be furloughed without pay-they have bills just like the rest of us and it is reasonable to expect your employer to pay you. Anyway, playing with people's lives for what's essentially a political pissing match is unforgivable and I hope they put a stop to this nonsense. *steps down off soapbox* Anyway, spare a thought for the squirrels tomorrow, and for all the government workers that aren't getting paid.

Mid January Blahs

When the only thing to look forward to this time of year is the  auto show  you know you're in a slump. Oh sure, there's our annual Burns Night supper, but otherwise this time of year is a bit uninspiring. My outfits are reflecting this state of whateverness  as evidenced by my wearing a brocade skirt with my husband's fleece sweatshirt. He doesn't wear it, so no sense letting a perfectly good item of clothing go to waste. The fabric defies photography but this close-up is a better sense of the colour.  There's even a matching vest/waistcoat. Anyway, everything feels a bit much post-holidays, so I went with the fleece.  Outfit Particulars: Vintage skirt-Goodwill Vintage tote bag-Goodwill Boots-K Mart Blue nylons-Target Sweatshirt-Mr. ETB's Copper pendant necklace-can't remember Fragrance-Incognito Poorly named as you will be anything but incognito wearing this very potent fragrance. That said, I rather like it.   Again, I've turned to black on top, but t