Snow Day

The Chicagoan in me thinks it is absurd to call off school for three inches of snow, but I am happy to say it is heavy, wet, snow which means snowman building. Lately our snow has been so dry it can't be packed into a ball-no such problem with this stuff! It was like slush falling from the sky. It will be dangerous when it freezes overnight, but for now it is providing the local children with some fun. I've been watching cars attempt to struggle up our hill before giving up and bailing out down the side-street in the photo. That's not a road to try without a truck when it snows! The city ploughs have been out, but there's only so much they can do.
Friday, I took Danny to the Automobile Show. We went early in the day, and it was largely empty. He was able to sit in, and try out a number of sports cars. It was fun. I've been taking him to the show every January since he was about three to break-up the long, dull winter days after Christmas. There's the home and garden show to look forward to now. My seed catalogs have started arriving and...I don't know. I'll do potatoes of course as they work so well in the bag bed, but beyond some interesting looking onions and spinach, I'm not feeling motivated. I get two seasons-early for spinach and hardy greens, peas, etc. and the heat of summer that lasts well into autumn. Last year I had more tomatoes than I thought possible from a few plants. I have enough bottled and frozen to last through next year. Anyway, I hope I can summon the desire to plant something.
The Red Crossbills have been regular visitors to our feeders this winter. I have an assortment of treats for the birds from sunflower, nyjer, safflower, raisins, and suet-something for everyone. There's a row of pine trees across the street where I think the crossbills are coming from. Why they prefer sunflower seeds to pine cones, I don't know unless they're just lazy! The Juncos, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, Goldfinches, Doves, and Starlings have all been about as well. The occasional Blue Jay and Robin visit us also.
All this cold, damp weather means regular pots of hot chocolate. Honestly, my Grandmother Clara made the best, using a combination of Droste cocoa powder, sugar, and milk. I make mine with melted chocolate and milk because that's what Danny likes, but given the choice, I prefer the deeper taste of powdered cocoa even if it lacks the richness of melted chocolate. I have the pot covered with foil because Danny was outside playing in the snow when I made it. I think coming inside to hot chocolate waiting is a nice sort of surprise.
Hang in there Rolland-Danny is going to make you a body.
That there is some wet snow. I'm glad I don't need to shovel it (our maintenance people do a fantastic job clearing the sidewalks, but no sooner they were here, the snow resumed falling). This will be a tricky storm to keep up with, but it should all be over by tonight.
My outfits haven't been terribly interesting. This was a peach Lurex maxi I cut down into a trapeze dress. I'm wearing bulky shorts beneath it which didn't end up looking good in photos, though I think it was fine in person.
The white, glittery-holographic boots were on deep clearance at Target, so I took a chance. They're comfortable enough, though I doubt very much they will be in fashion after this season. They do work well with 60's styles.

 The shoes and the shopper were the best bits of this outfit.

 Really, that look would work better with a Launer handbag. I saw one on eBay for about $100 and I considered it, but it was white. I'm holding out for black.

We have been planning a few holidays for spring and summer. I agreed to take Danny to Chicago for a Cubs game. I bought tickets for two games, and booked rooms, so I guess there's no backing out now??I haven't been to Chicago in more than fifteen years, and I can't say I'm looking forward to it. At least I don't need to worry about running into family because they're all dead. It will be strange going back there as a tourist.

We're also headed to New York State for some birding, and to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame. There will also of course be a short trip to the Crane Trust in central Nebraska during the migration in late February/early March. Late summer will see us back and forth to Grand Island for the State Fair. That's about it, though I am hoping to swing a weekend away alone at some point this summer.

I have a new pudding basin that I'm using for the first time. With any luck, two hours from now we'll have a lemon sponge pudding. I'll get through those Meyer lemons! Better go top up the water. See you.


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