January, the Last

Be My Valentine.
I decorated the front door. No, I'm not letting the shark thing go.
In other news, I've been out and about wearing fab clothes to do my damnedest getting through January. Did the month seem extra long to you?

I have a few of these 70's appliqued and embroidered sweaters by Cyn-Les. They're fun, if a bit too youthful for me but eh, whatever.
Here's the other giraffe sweater I last wore on blog in 2014
 Cheeky giraffe!

Anyway, they're fun sweaters except for the one my parents bought me as a kid that said, "Hug Me." I didn't hang on to that Cyn-Les sweater.

Outfit Particulars:
70's Cyn-Les sweater-Hand-Me-Ups
Gap shorts-90's (has a matching jacket)
Tights-K Mart
Vintage 60's coat-Thrift World
Beret-K Mart
Fragrance-Ma Griffe

This is a necklace I never would have bought before I knew Veronica. She wears the most wonderful necklaces, and has inspired me to try all sorts of things like otk boots and kimonos. That's the funny thing about friends as you age, instead of turning you on to drugs, they introduce you to cool fashions! You're a very good influence on me Veronica. ??

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage handbag-Gift from a neighbour years ago
Boots-K Mart
Poloneck-K Mart
Jacket-80's Esprit
Silver doorknocker earrings-Mum's, 80's
Silver bangle-Goodwill
Silver bracelet-Goodwill
I bought a Nordicware cake pan of a castle. I have a birthday coming up, so I'm going to do Macbeth in cake and decorated cookies because...castle pan. I might do Richard III next. 
I received a birthday card in the post, but it was from AARP. This came in the same week a young woman admired my specs but said she couldn't wear them as she's not "Old enough." Right. Moving along...
This is soooo sweet. I ought to hate it, but I don't. I might not like it in warm weather but with the freezing cold we've been experiencing it is wonderful. Again, it is very, very sweet so apply with caution. 
I've considered getting rid of this dress so many times, but I'm always pleased to discover that I didn't. I don't like Empire waists. That said, the pattern is so nice I can't bear to part with it. Adding a shawl/scarf distracts from the boob-flattening tendencies of these dresses. I wore so many of these dresses in the 80's and 90's, but I don't think this one looks too dated., 

Outfit Particulars:
90's dress by Guess-Can't remember
Boots-K Mart
Wool scarf-Goodwill

I am looking forward to February. This Sunday, there is a Journaling in Nature class at DeSoto Wildlife Refuge. The subject is Scat and tracks. There will also be a hike. 

The Great Backyard Bird Count is 16-19 of February 2018. 

Rowe Sanctuary has a programme making "valentines" to feed birds and other wildlife at the sanctuary on 10 February, 2018 and by the end of the month, the Sandhill cranes should be making their way back through Nebraska. 

So much to look forward to this month. Now, I'm off to start researching where I can utilise my newly earned "senior" discounts. 


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