I'll Have a Blue Hawaiian Without You

A Blue Hawaiian cocktail sounds pretty good right now, but I'd need to go out and buy Curacao. Better stick to Pimms and lemonade instead.

 I found this dress in a box I'd forgotten about, and have no memory of having purchased it. It isn't vintage, but it easily passes. I was in the mood to wear something cheerful. How'd I do?
I waited in the car while Mr. ETB popped into the Indian market for curry leaves (and a deep-fried snack he ate before returning to the car). Bored, I photographed my new (to me) vintage shoes, but the real star of this photo is that blue sky out the window.
 Car-selfie using the mirror on the sun-visor. I was really bored. I think the "fried snack" was probably plural, as he was in there quite some time.

 Outfit Particulars:
Jones New York dress-can't remember
Blue vintage beads-Goodwill
Flower pin-Tiff and Tam
Vintage sandals-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Hair Flowers-Tiff and Tam
Fragrance-Guerlain Guet Apens

I made the first sweet corn of the season to get summer started.

 Yes, I own corn-on-the-cob dishes, and plastic holders for the ends. I live in Nebraska. That's not an excuse so much as an observation. It took 16 years, but I've, "Gone Native."  I still don't like football. Sorry.
I have more corn and vegetarian hot dogs for our dinner tomorrow, and then we're off to the park to practise Danny's pitching. I never thought I'd be purchasing a baseball glove for myself, but he needs someone to pitch and catch with. I went to the used sporting goods store and found an exceptionally nice glove for $14.00. I'm a better catcher than pitcher. I'm a bit wary as two of my worst childhood injuries happened playing baseball, with the worst seeing me knocked-out in a neighbour's yard. I've had more concussions than an NFL player (that's not an exaggeration). It probably explains quite a bit about my personality! Fell down the basement stairs head-first, baseball injury, drove my bike into a car in the alley (miracle I wasn't run over but it was my fault. I still feel bad for the fright I gave the poor old man driving), fell from a tree, ice skating injury...and then there were the broken bones. So yeah, I'm thinking about wearing a batting helmet to play catch with my kid in case he beans me with a hard ball. I can't afford any more brain injuries. 

I had a very lucky visit to the Goodwill "Up North" that I rarely visit. Three full, unused bottles of perfume (Tuscany per Donna 3.4 oz, $3.99 Clinique Happy (meh) 3.4 oz, $4.99 and Shiseido Zen, $2.99) and an extravagant, over-the-top Carol Dauplaise necklace from the 80's for $4.99. I spotted it in the case as soon as we walked in, and I stood there waiting for someone to open it lest someone else come along and buy it out from under me. We came home and I did a bit of research-it sells for a nice chunk of change online. Mr. ETB was impressed that I could spot it right away, but after so many years, I've become good at spotting quality. That's part of my logic for not shopping with a phone. I see people looking things up before buying them, but I prefer to trust my gut feeling. At least if I'm stuck with it, I'll enjoy the item. Anyway, I was clearly chuffed.

I hope everyone has a good week.


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