Spiked Heels/Heels With Spikes

I wasn't going to buy these shoes. I was at Hand-Me-Ups with Danny when he noticed I kept picking them up, then putting them back. No longer able to stand my indecisiveness he grabbed them saying, "If you don't buy them, I will." I told him he's a bad influence on me, and he laughed in agreement. I've spent $5.99 on worse things.
This silver vintage bag cost $5.99 as well. I didn't require any persuading to make that purchase. It isn't any more practical than the shoes, but somehow it feels less extravagant. I love how it is flat like a briefcase while clearly not being a briefcase...unless you're some sort of  attorney with a wild sense of style.  It occurs to me that, Disco Solicitor would be one hell of a band name. Anyhoo, I couldn't leave it any more than Danny could let me leave the shoes.
 This dress has been worn on-blog before, but the jacket is a recent purchase. I removed the massive shoulder pads, and wore it slightly back from my shoulders to distract from how large it is. I don't remember waterfall style jackets being popular in the 80's, but this piece obviously proves my memory wrong. Peter Popovitch is becoming a sought-after vintage designer (God only knows why, the stuff is generally hideous) but this jacket spoke to me. Mostly it muttered, "What the hell?"
I have a few other Popovitch pieces and they are just as awful. At some point this summer I'll wear the nautical walking shorts with sailing flags and rope print. It is as awful as it sounds. But hey, Fashion!
Outfit Particulars:
Dress-rummage sale
Peter Popovitch jacket (80's/90's)-Goodwill
Guess shoes-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Necklace-Salvation Army store-Lincoln
Hair flowers-Tiff and Tam
Vintage handbag-New Life Thrift
We had some wild storms blow through Omaha last evening. 100+ mph winds that downed power lines and tore roofs off houses along with more water than we've seen in some time. 
 Hmm, that looks bad...

 ...but there was a rainbow at the end when it was over. Our neighbourhood was spared power outages and significant damage but other parts of the city weren't so lucky. The College World Series (baseball) is taking place this week in Omaha and we have visitors coming from across the country and the world. I can't imagine what they were thinking last night, but at least the series organisers had the sense to cancel the opening ceremonies once it was clear the storms were coming. A baseball park isn't the place to be in 100 mph winds. Anyway, I won't need to water the garden for some time.
 I'll leave you with some photos before a storm we had earlier in the week.
Stay dry, and have a great weekend.


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