"You Look Like a Lawyer on the Way to Sue Someone:"

 Okay, but I'm billing for this time.

I wasn't exactly offended by the observation as I was thinking this suit was a wee bit too professional looking for my life at the moment. I couldn't pass up a vintage Pendleton linen suit for $7.99, but I really don't have much occasion to wear it. The skirt will get tonnes of wear though. I recently bought a vintage Dior linen suit in pale pink that is also completely useless for me, but it was too good to skip. I'll try to get that one worn at least once before summer is over.

 Outfit Particulars:
Pendleton vintage linen suit-Goodwill
Laura Ashley sleeveless top-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage clutch-Goodwill
Shoes-K Mart
Pearls-Filene's about 25 years ago
Lippy-Revlon Super Lustrous in Siren (finally, the perfect coral shade for my skin tone!)
Fragrance-L'Air du Temps

I managed to get fifteen miles in today, but I'm really struggling with the crazy schedule I've been keeping and the serious lack of sleep. Thrice in the past week I've woke in the dead of 3 AM with a baking dream. This morning, I woke to the sensation of wrapping a loaf of bread in cling film. I'll be glad to see this over. I don't know why this year seemed worse, though obviously having a flare right in the middle of it all hasn't helped. I'm looking forward to getting my routine back even if I need to work school around it. I hate grading papers, but not as much as I hate doing dishes. I can promise you, I'll never wake in the night dreaming about calculus. Ever.
This plum pie needed five minutes longer to prevent the extra liquid. I've made a note to correct that, otherwise I'm really happy with the pie. Plums are underappreciated in pies, but they're delicious and you can't beat that colour. I might do a spiral top on the final pie to show off the filling. I'm saving my lattice for the cherry pie.

It has been brought to my attention that I have been neglecting the flip-offs of late. Here you go. See you in court on the flip (off) side. 


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