Total Eclipse of the Sun (and kolaches)

As luck would have it, drop-off day for Danny's state fair entries was the day of the eclipse-and Grand Island was smack-dab in the middle of totality. After getting his entries in, we stuck around in town to join everyone else in hoping the clouds would clear in time for the eclipse. They did-and it was two minutes of breathtaking viewing. I didn't think fiddling with my camera was how I wanted to experience it, so I just watched it instead??. Here, Danny is showing you with a kolache what it looks like when you see the sun's corona around the moon. You get the idea. 
Yeah, that was cool. The five hour drive home through standstill traffic on I-80 was a drag, but in the end, obviously worth it. We go back to Grand Island next week with my pies for the live event, and we'll be able to find out how Danny's entries did. I'm expecting he will be bringing home some ribbons. 
When the fair opens, the hall will be filled with exhibits. This is Danny's beehive honey cake covered in candied borage leaves. There's a cup and a half of honey in the cake and another 3/4 cup in the honey/lemon glaze. This was for a contest sponsored by the Nebraska Beekeepers. 

The photos really don't do the cake justice. I hope he wins a ribbon for it.
By the end of the day those tables will be covered with entries for judging. We were the second to arrive. Now that's done-onward to the pie baking!
I made a quick visit to the Grand Island Goodwill before the eclipse and found two pair of vintage earrings. There was a necklace that matched the pink ones that I didn't buy as it was long. If it is still there next week, maybe I'll get it-I really shouldn't quibble over a buck. I don't wear a lot of long necklaces, generally. 
Today, I've been slowly returning to a normal (ish) routine. I washed my hair for the first time in over a week, so that's something. Maybe I'll find 15 minutes to give it a trim as well. 

 I finally wore this polyester dress I bought months ago. The heavy polyester knit isn't great in summer temperatures, but the short sleeves won't do much in winter. We've been unseasonably cool this week, so I took advantage of the weather to try this dress out. I like it, though the matching tie-belt does seem to disappear in the pattern.

 Outfit Particulars:
1960's polyester dress-Goodwill
Shoes-K Mart
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Fragrance-Patou Caline (it reminds me of Parure. Not a dupe, but in the same spirit)
I'll leave you with a look at my new sweatshirt. I don't need a shirt to encourage me to do what I've essentially been doing my entire life, but it was soft, warm, and inexpensive. I picked this up at Target when I bought the unicorn leggings. It got a laugh from the woman ahead of me waiting to pay when she realised I was buying them for myself, not a child. Yeah well, like the shirt says. 

I'm taking a few days to relax before the pie-a-thon begins. The Nebraska State Fair runs 25 August-4 September 2017. 


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