Birds of a Feather...Pinned to My Sweater

 I thought it was lucky finding a second of the carved swallow pins, but when I happened upon the small carved gull (I think it is a gull) I knew they had to be worn together. I like clustering my brooches, though these were large enough that it took some fiddling with them to make it work.

If you spend enough time in thrift stores, eventually you find duplicate pieces. I'll always buy bracelets in duplicate as I like the look of identical pieces on both wrists (like Wonder Woman!) and earrings are a practical investment as I wear mostly clips and tend to lose them from time to time. Lately, I've been indulging in purchasing duplicate brooches, though I limit it to the novelty sort as it would look silly wearing two identical rhinestone starburts but a pair of celluloid Scotties will always look better than a solitary brooch.

Sometimes, a theme is better than identical pieces and this time of year I like to cluster different leaf brooches with acorns, woodland animals, etc. Other times I go absolutely wild and wear cats and dogs together! I think of wearing brooches much as I do pattern mixing-it adds interest to an outfit, and can look chic if well considered. When you own hundreds of brooches wearing them in multiples is almost a necessity just to get them worn!

 Outfit Particulars:
1980's Made in Yugoslavia skirt-Goodwill
Sparkly 80's tee shirt-Hand-Me-Ups
Belt-Shop Ko
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
1940's hair clip-Sarpy County Museum sale

Yikes, I just noticed how much worse my leaning to one side had become. I suppose the blog is helpful for noticing things like that (and one eyelid droops, one leg is larger than the other, etc.). Unfortunately, there isn't a whole hell of a lot I can do about it at this late stage in life. I need someone to follow me around shouting, "Don't slouch!"
The Leslie Fay blouse makes a first Autumn appearance. A red, black, and cream spotted blouse shouldn't be something I'd love this much-but I do. It is practical, comfortable and launderable. Can't ask much more than that from a blouse. I still haven't started unpacking cool weather clothes, so putting together an outfit remains challenging. It has been interesting trying out combinations I otherwise wouldn't. 
This jacket has a matching skirt but that's just too headache inducing together!

Outfit Particulars:
1990's skirt-Filene's or Jordan Marsh-can't remember
Vintage jacket (part of a suit)-Thrift World
Vintage Crown Lewis handbag-Goodwill
Earrings-New Life Thrift
Cinnabar bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage BSK Halloween brooch-Thrift World
Fragrance-Chanel No. 22
"Eeek!Witchy tried to turn me into a toad,,,wait, I'm already dead. Never mind."

 Bag still had original comb and mirror.

I'll leave you with a funny story. 

I was outside filling the bird feeders yesterday morning. As I was pouring seed into the various tubes I was muttering to myself in a sing-song tone, "Feed...the birds. Feed...the birds." As I was finishing up, I heard a cough and noticed my new neighbour sitting on his patio having a coffee before work. He was trying (unsuccessfully) to keep from laughing. 
"The birds love that seed" he said, trying to change the subject from the bonkers lady next door that talks to herself when she feeds the birds. 

Just wait until he sees me hand-feeding ginger biscuits to Blondin the squirrel. 


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