Eccentric Party People

Where's the party?
People don't dress as I do-I get it. I'm accustomed to being asked where I'm headed to because let's face it-my wardrobe isn't representative of Midwestern American streetwear in 2017 (or ever, really). That's fine, if it brings a smile to someone, all the better. I had a group of elderly women watching as we took photos today, and they genuinely seemed to be enjoying themselves. Yesterday, at the pharmacy the dour pharmacist that never says much was so taken with my flower crown he could only smile and stammer a few words about the "thing on your head."That's wonderful-I've worked in retail and it is dead dull engaging with the public. An unusually attired customer always raised my spirits.
Sometimes though, my clothes catch people off guard, and they blurt out things they wouldn't otherwise.
So it was that the rather conservative woman working behind the cosmetics counter exclaimed, 
"You're one of those eccentric party people always having a good time!"
I'm sure I've been called "eccentric" before, though not to my face. "Party Person" is clearly a first as I'm typically off to bed around 10 PM.. I mean, "Partying?" At my age? Don't be absurd-I could break a hip or something. Perhaps she meant, Communist Party. Viva la revolution, Comrade.
Look at me being all wild and thumbing my nose at society. Yeah. 

Back to the clothes. Shiny new (to me) belt. You have no idea how useful a gold belt is. When my old one wore out I was devestated. 
Outfit Particulars:
Pink silk skirt-Sears about 20 years ago
Red polyester vintage blouse-Goodwill
Vintage mesh and lucite handbag-Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-Target years ago
Trainers-Stella McCartney for Adidas- Hand-Me-Ups
Fine for wearing around town on a rainy day, but worthless for running. 
 Outfit Particulars:
Late 80's silk skirt-Marshall Field's (bought it new)
Top-K Mart
Blue necklaces-all over
Bangles-all over
Flower crown (it has tiny skulls in the centre of each bloom) Spirit Halloween pop-up shop
Earrings-Sarpy museum sale
Fragrance-Vintage Geminesse
Well, I'm off to look for a better not be BYOB. 
Bring your own tomatoes, I could manage. We're harvesting faster than I can use them. This was a superb year for tomatoes.

 I'll leave you with a look at two new tea towels I bought for Halloween.
I couldn't wait for October to use them. I bought Ouija socks as well. We've been getting a jump-start on horror movies and we watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Danny enjoyed it (he even snorted at the Budgie for lunch). Sometimes old movies don't age well for this generation (he laughed through Wicker Man) but I was pleased to see him enjoy Baby Jane. "You know", I told him, "That's exactly how it would go down if I had to live with your Aunt Judi." We laughed, but then realised would probably be more like Grey Gardens. 

I really must go find that party now. Toodles.


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