Paisley and Flannel-Not Just For PJ's

We've had a bit of a cold snap, and so it was Danny discovered none of last year's clothes fit. At not-quite thirteen, he's now taller than his mama and weighs about the same. He has no problem lending me his clothes but for some reason the child is completely uninterested in wearing mine. I suspect it is the polyester. Anyhoo, off we went today seeking shirts with long-enough sleeves (harder than it sounds) and trousers that don't look like they've been slept in before being worn (also a bit of a challenge). I will say that I'm lucky having a son that is completely indifferent to fashion. He likes checked shirts and jeans without a bunch of crap on the back pockets. As teenage style goes, his is blissfully plain. Danny requested a denim jacket, which we bought, and a puffy ski-vest to keep his arms free when out bird-banding. Two hundred dollars and an hour later he had the jacket, vest, three pair of trousers, four shirts, a dress shirt, and something else I've forgotten. I'm going to be sad when K-Mart goes under (the death knell is already sounding) because you can't outfit a teen in a winter wardrobe for $200. at Target. 
My dress cost .99 cents at Goodwill, but I'm easier to dress and don't have long arms or legs. Hard to believe I carried that kid around in one arm. He was such a little thing coming into the world just over six lbs. His dad is 6'4 so I think this might be a yearly shop sort of thing for the next few years. 
You can see the leaves starting to turn on the street behind me. the large maple behind our place hasn't started changing yet, but soon I'll be outside doing a daily sweep of leaves off the patio. I loved raking leaves as a child, even if it gave me terrible allergies. We didn't burn them as my mum once ended up in hospital after inhaling god-knows-what in the air from a pile of burning leaves. Understandably she was reluctant to repeat the experience. We didn't burn them on the farm either, but we didn't have that many trees outside of the windbreak.  I still like bringing home interesting leaves from my walks, and I always have a basket of pine cones for decorations. Oh, I know you can go to Big Lots and buy silk leaves for decorating, but I prefer the real ones when possible. 
Anyway, all this babbling is my way of saying Autumn has arrived, and it is being reflected in our wardrobes. For my part, it wouldn't be autumn without paisley. 

Outfit Particulars:
1980's rayon dress-Goodwill
1990's bolero-Goodwill
Carole Dauplaise necklace-Goodwill
Brooch-Sarpy museum sale
Vintage crocodile handbag-Hand-Me-Ups
Shoes-K Mart (years ago)
Fragrance-Norell (thanks, Emily!)
Lippy-Estee Lauder Maplesugar (my standard autumn lippy)

 It wouldn't be autumn without some flannel either. This 80's does 50's number is perfect for a day that isn't quite cool enough for a jacket.

I do feel a bit more casual in a fabric intended for sleepwear and outdoor work clothing, but somehow I resisted the urge to go back to sleep (or cut down trees like a lumberjack). I think the velvet boots helped ??
The boots might look familiar as I own the same pair in black leather (well, vinyl, actually). I bought these at the end of last winter at K Mart and I regret not buying another pair. The rubber heel is deeply grooved and provides excellent traction for a high-heeled boot. I'm of the mind that velvet boots go with everything, and I plan to wear them quite a bit. I hope you don't get tired of seeing them.
 Outfit Particulars:
1980's dress-Goodwill
Vintage handbag-Thrift World
Leaf brooch-can't remember
Vintage necklace-Hand-Me-Ups (has matching earrings and bracelet)
Boots-K Mart
Fragrance-Vintage Revlon Moon Drops (well that was an expensive trip down memory lane for something I'd describe as, "Meh").
Lippy-Wine With Everything (if only that were possible!) my "Other" autumn lippy

We're down to our last three apples from the visit to the orchard. Just in time too, as the pears are now ready for harvesting. I'm going to bottle some mini Seckle pears in brandy this week so they'll be ready for Christmas. Yep, it is time to start thinking about the holidays. Sorry.

Hope you're having a good week so far.


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