A Sparkling Blue Dress to Match the Sky

 Don't let the blue skies fool you-it was freezing out there! Still, the moulds and ragweed are dying, which is very good news for anyone with allergies.
The spiderweb leggings made their yearly debut.
 I was up early  baking the Barmbracks for Halloween. I made four-one for us, and three for my husband's office. Danny decorated some cookies shaped as pumpkins, cats, etc. and I'll probably make popcorn balls sometime before Tuesday. I stopped by Penzy's to replenish the baking spices before the holidays start. The fair used up most of my cinnamon/nutmeg/allspice/ginger. It definitely pays to buy in bulk if you bake a lot, which we do.

I'm lacto-fermenting some of the green cherry tomatoes from the end of the garden, and so far, so good. I pickled the nasturtium seeds, and made more spaghetti sauce for the freezer from the ripe tomatoes. I have a few quarts of green ones left that are destined for relish-then, I'm done. i do feel like it was a great accomplishment, but I'm ready to move on to other projects. I have Danny's yearly Birthday quilt to finish before December.
Outfit Particulars:
Leggings-Target (last year)
Dress (I have the same one in red)-Goodwill
Boots-K Mart
Sarah Coventry earrings-antique store in Wisconsin
Vintage AB necklace-same antique store in Wisconsin
Skull ring-Walgreen's a few years ago
Vintage bag-Goodwill
Maltese cross necklace-Goodwill

I'll leave you with this bit of advice I saw on Tumblr.
I even shit with precision and elegance, thanks very much.

Happy Monday!


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