Don't Like the Weather, Wait a Minute, etc. etc.

I thought you might be getting sick of all the neutrals, so I dug out this bright green polyester horror of a bridesmaid's  dress. Can you believe the sleeves have been altered (by the last owner) and were even wider at one point judging by the amount of fabric still inside?! I own a similar dress in pink with sheer sleeves which you can see in the sidebar.
Our weather is changing as you can see by these scattered rose petals. A few more windy days and most of the trees will be bare. We have hard frosts expected later in the week, so I'll be gathering the last of the green tomatoes and pickling the smallest ones. The cooler weather is also bringing on kiddo's mould allergies (all those damp leaves growing spores) and we've been back in the allergic asthma cycle. He's okay, (frustrated, but okay) but we've been having some very late nights and two AM nebuliser treatments. I'm thankful for the portable machine so he can be treated at home rather than the hospital, but the lack of sleep is catching up with all of us mood-wise. The freezing-mold-killing weather can't get here soon enough as far as I'm concerned-Update-it is here!
Outfit Particulars:
1970's maxi dress-Goodwill
Vintage hat-Goodwill
Orange and white Hobe necklace and bracelet-Thrift World
Crewelwork bag-New Life Thrift
Green necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-Thrift World

That's fine for the weekend, but the weekdays bring a return to less inspired clothing.

I went for an eye exam Thursday.

I mentioned that when I first started wearing bifocals at 40 I was told my vision would keep getting worse for a couple of years in middle age and then settle in. The response? "I think they might have over-sold that idea." Yeah, thanks. To rub salt in the wound I got the lecture about all the wonderful things that can go wrong in your 50's and 60's. The good news is that I don't have any serious issues related to medications collecting behind my eyes, or signs of vascular trouble (in my eyes anyway). I'm continuing to get more cross-eyed (that's ongoing) but still not badly enough that I need special lenses to deal with it. I am however losing a lot of vision. I knew it was getting worse, but I didn't realise just how much worse. I ordered new specs today (and suffered a bit of sticker shock at how much more expensive lenses are when your vision gets worse) and I'm sure I'll be horrified to see all the lines in my face I hadn't noticed, or the shabbiness of my clothes. Anyway, I should have them in a week so I have time to mentally prepare myself.

Outfit Particulars:
1970's wool dress-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage tote bag-Goodwill
Tights-K Mart
Shoes-Irregular Choice
Halloween brooch-Goodwill (I think?)

...and now it is freezing. Be careful what you wish for. 
The Donegal tweed jacket came out of storage today. I love this jacket so much. It is heavy, well made, a lovely green-grey colour and perfect with just about everything I own. If i really thought about it, this might be the best thing I've purchased at Hand-Me-Ups over the years-and I've purchased a lot there.
 What goes with tweed? Lurex, obviously! Both the sweater and knit skirt are run through with Lurex. I like a bit of sparkle in my neutrals.

 Here's a close-up of the design on the skirt for Jessica who asked about it on Instagram.

Outfit Particulars:
Skirt-Thrift World
Boots-K Mart
Hourihan of Dublin Donegal tweed jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Large 80's sterling earrings-Mum's
Silver bangle-Goodwill
Handbag-gift from a neighbour years ago
This weekend sees the return of the Haunted Physics Lab at Creighton University. We've been going for years, and though Danny's now old enough to understand how all the tricks work, it is still great fun. Also this weekend at the University of Nebraska, Omaha is the Children's Hauntcert. The orchestra wear costumes and perform Halloween-ish music. It is always a fun time with small children running about, and a conductor that really gets into it. I think he must look forward to this all year. For many children, it is their first experience hearing an orchestra, so they do try to make it a fun event. Five dollars gets the whole family in for an afternoon performance.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.


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