Clothes, Cake, and Cameras

I apologise for the poor quality of these photos as they came off my phone. I've recently purchased a new camera, but haven't really had the time so sit down and get used to working with it. I appreciate your patience as I sort things through. 
That beast weighs a tonne! I need a new tripod as my old one would never hold it-even without the lens and flash. Clearly more camera than I require, but it was too good of a deal to pass up. 
So clothes. I've been wearing them, as you do. 
This is a 70's polyester maxi dress and a 70's Ultrasuede coat. I paid $20.00 for the coat, which is much more than I would typically fork over for Ultrasuede. I made an exception because it fitted perfectly, and well...that blue! Yes, I have an Ultrasuede suit in the same shade of blue, but this is a full-length coat so...justified? I'm not convinced, but it is mine now and I plan to wear it to death as Ultrasuede knows no season.

The basket bag is yet another Caro-Nan, this one from Ohio. It is taller than my Nebraska version. I've been lucky finding these bags-they sell for quite a bit online.

Outfit Particulars:
1970's maxi dress-Goodwill
1970's Ultrasuede coat-Hand-Me-Ups
Velvet boots- K Mart
Caro Nan handbag-Etsy
Earrings-K Mart
Fragrance-Tuscany per Donna

We're officially into tartan weather-and this one is a beauty.
 This is a vintage Pendleton in the Boyd tartan. It is wool, fully lined and a joy to wear. The pockets don't gape, and it doesn't have any silly pleats.
The jacket is a Lauren relic from the 80's (look at that collar!) that I don't particularly like, but it goes with everything. The cashmere sweater I bought at Marshall Fields in the early 80's when you could still get good quality cashmere. It has a Hong Kong label.
 Outfit Particulars:
Vintage Pendleton skirt-Can't remember
Cashmere sweater-Marshall Fields, 80's
 1980's Ralph Lauren jacket-can't remember
Valdrome bag-Hand-Me-Ups

Now for the cake.
This is an oatmeal cake with a coconut topping. I can tell how much the boys like a cake by how long it lasts. This one went very quickly. Traditionally it would have chopped pecans or walnuts in the topping but I omitted them due to allergies. Feel free to add half a cup if you like. 

You will need:
1 1/4 cups boiling water
1 cup quick cooking oats
1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarb
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

For the topping:
1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
5 ounces evaporated milk
12 ounces flaked coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add the brown sugar and cook until it comes to a boil. Add the milk, and again bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Spread on hot cake and broil about 2 minutes. 

Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 
Pour water over oatmeal in a small bowl and let sit 20 minutes. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and both sugars. Add eggs one at a time beating well between additions. Add oatmeal to creamed mixture. Sift together dry ingredients and blend into creamed mixture. Pour into prepared pan and bake about 35 minutes or until cake tests done. About 5 minutes before cake comes out, start making the topping. Spread the topping on the warm cake as soon as it comes out of the oven, and then place under the broiler about 6 inches from the element for about 2 minutes or until the coconut turns a toasty brown and the mixture is bubbling. Cool in pan on a rack. 

Hope your week is going well. 


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