I'm Mr. Ten Below

Thank you all for your kind words for Danny. He's very excited and relieved to start a new chapter in his life. Coming at his 13th birthday, and the new year, the timing was perfect. I've been blogging so long (since 2004) many of you have watched him grow up. As far as I'm concerned, you're family.  Thank you again for being such a great group of people.

What have we here? An outfit post? My goodness, I nearly forgot how to do one. sorry about that-got hectic around here in December.

I've worn these Star Wars leggings on the blog before. For some reason, I always pair them with a sequin mini dress. I don't know what that says about me that I own several sequined mini dresses, but eh, at least I'm not hard to find in a crowd.
This was last year. The leggings are too big/baggy, but I don't care-I love them.  This time around I wore a gold and silver flapper-like dress and an oversized 80's jacket.
We had a flock of starlings visit our feeders this week. They're maligned birds due to being loud and messy, but I enjoy them. They're stumbly and ungraceful, and can eat tonnes of food...I completely identify! Anyway, they moved on after a day to raid a better stocked bird feeder. We've had some unusual birds of late, including a pine siskin.
We've had some snow, which has been nice. I could do without the sub-zero cold, but that's life in the Midwest. Tonight is -14F, and it just gets worse tomorrow (-20). I'm leaving the taps running at a drip to try and help the pipes from freezing, but otherwise there isn't much we can do. Our place was built in 1968, so it isn't that terribly old. I'm very glad I'm not still living out in the country in that horrible, drafty old farmhouse. It would be an awful night out there.
Nope. Even that won't help at -20 degrees!
Outfit Particulars:
Boots-K Mart
Betsey Johnson bag-Goodwill
Sequin dress-Goodwill
Vintage 80's blazer-Goodwill (part of a suit)

For those that were wondering what a Stroopwafel is. Look Ann, I was thinking of you when I went shopping??. If only we could join you at Dove Cottage for a cup of coffee.

If I'm not frozen into a block of ice, I'll see you in the New Year. I wish you all the very best for 2018.


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