
Showing posts from November, 2017

Christmas Brooch of the Day-Day Two

 Today I have a pair of brooches-a bell and a tree. Both are unsigned.

Santa Pants and Other News From the Previous Week

Back in late August, when the first Christmas items were filtering into craft stores, I bought this basket shaped like Santa's trousers. They had a similar pair in green which I assume were elf trousers but shoving your hand into an elf's trousers has a completely different vibe, so I  bought the Santa pants. Because I am a hopeless hoarder of fabric I had no difficulty locating some holiday printed quilting cotton to line the basket with. At that point, it was obvious I wouldn't be using it as a basket (who goes to the trouble of lining a basket to hold pine cones?) so I went ahead and made a lid from a sturdy piece of cardboard and covered it with matching fabric. Ta da! My new holiday handbag set me back a fiver, but I won't be seeing anyone else carrying it around town. I have the first event of the holiday season to attend this weekend and Santa Pants will be a great accessory. Chuffed with how well it turned out, I've been buying up novelty baskets to make int

Christmas Brooch of the Day-Day One

Vintage rhinestone bell with moving clapper. Unmarked.

Thanksgiving Weekend

 We have a long holiday weekend in the US for Thanksgiving, Not being the sort of people that enjoy shopping as a contact sport, we stay away from the crowds and enjoy the holiday at home, or at one of our many beautiful parks. When Danny was small, I'd set up the artificial Christmas tree and let him spend Thanksgiving day decorating it. That worked to keep him busy, and out of my way as I prepared the evening meal. It  became a family tradition to put up the tree and decorations on Thanksgiving day, and this year was no exception. We had a rather simple meal, went for a long walk, and enjoyed all of Danny's hard work decorating the house. I never enjoyed Thanksgiving until all the relatives either died, or moved far away. I certainly love it now! I know that sounds heartless-just like my family were. I don't miss being insulted, bullied, and treated like shit generally. Anyway, we had a lovely day, and now the house is decorated without my lifting a finger. I treated myse

Clothes, Cake, and Cameras

I apologise for the poor quality of these photos as they came off my phone. I've recently purchased a new camera, but haven't really had the time so sit down and get used to working with it. I appreciate your patience as I sort things through.  That beast weighs a tonne! I need a new tripod as my old one would never hold it-even without the lens and flash. Clearly more camera than I require, but it was too good of a deal to pass up.  So clothes. I've been wearing them, as you do.  This is a 70's polyester maxi dress and a 70's Ultrasuede coat. I paid $20.00 for the coat, which is much more than I would typically fork over for Ultrasuede. I made an exception because it fitted perfectly, and well...that blue! Yes, I have an Ultrasuede suit in the same shade of blue, but this is a full-length coat so...justified? I'm not convinced, but it is mine now and I plan to wear it to death as Ultrasuede knows no season. The basket bag is yet another Caro-Nan, this one from

Hat's Entertainment

My hair won't do shit in the winter. I could spend time being upset by that, or invest in conditioners/styling products/a decent haircut, etc. but being the practical sort, I looked in my cupboard, assessed my collection of hats, and here we are. Life is too short to spend it screwing around with hair.  Outfit Particulars: Vintage wool ski sweater-Hand-Me-Ups Vintage 70's skirt-Goodwill Boots-K Mart Vintage handbag-Goodwill Hat-K Mart Vintage earrings-Thrift shop in Wisconsin Fragrance-Estee Lauder Knowing (vintage formulation) Sometimes though, I want a classic, black wool beret. I look like I ought to be puffing on  Gauloises.  Outfit Particulars: Trousers-Goodwill Poloneck-K Mart Vintage Kashmiri embroidered jacket-gift Vintage handbag-Goodwill Enamel bangle-Goodwill Fragrance-Chanel no. 22 Not hat related, but I had to show you the Selro necklace I picked up last weekend for $5.99. I nearly fainted when I saw it. The Christmas tree brooches will be added to the collection.